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The Peterborough School Alumni

The Association was founded by Mrs Belgion, the Headmistress in 1947, when the School was known as 'Westwood House', and the association was the 'Westwood House Old Scholars’ Association'. While 'Old Scholars' has long since been consigned to history, the Association retains its links to Westwood House in its name, which is celebrated by the distinctive Westwoodians’ logo of the grounds’ most beautiful cedar tree.

The School reverted to its original name of 'Peterborough High School' in 1991 and then 'The Peterborough School' in 2010, but the Alumni’s name has remained unchanged.

The Headmaster serves as the President and the day to day running of the Association is undertaken by the Secretary.  There is a Committee made up of 13 Westwoodian former pupils and staff.


  • School History

    The School was founded in 1895 and was originally a girls’ school situated in Park Road in Peterborough. It moved to spacious new premises with ample grounds at Westwood House, Thorpe Road in 1936. In 1968, the School was incorporated into the Woodard Corporation.

  • 1937 to 2000

    In the August of 1937, a new Head, Miss Helen Mattock (later Mrs Belgion) was appointed, with only 7 pupils in the school. Her leadership must have been dynamic because by the end of 1937, there were 33 pupils. In September 1938, there were 64 pupils and Mrs Belgion was determined that the School would continue to grow and by 1949 there were 200 pupils, mostly day girls but with some weekly and termly boarders.

  • Today

    The School has seen many changes since its Victorian beginnings with several major developments and a constant programme of modernization and improvement. But the historic core of Westwood House remains and the newer facilities blend comfortably into the charming grounds. Former pupils, known as Westwoodians, will be pleased to learn that the school still aims to “Be valiant” and provides “education with character”.

  • ISC
  • nace
  • woodard
  • heads
  • plp
  • Careers