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The Early Years Foundation Stage

The Baby Room, Toddler Room and Pre-school Room all work to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS.) This framework is in place for all Early Years settings and continues into the Reception Year at school.

The Nursery has a strong commitment to ensuring that all areas of the EYFS are covered in our provision, resources and Nursery environment. Each room of the Nursery provides areas of learning where the children can explore freely and independently. For example, a sand and water area, a home corner with dressing up props, mark making areas and small world play.

The Nursery has a very strong emphasis on Parental Involvement and we ask that our parents take part in observing and planning for their child's activities. Our key people work very closely with parents in order to ensure consistent transitions between the setting and their home life.

 Nursery gardens

We also have a clear focus on the individual. We feel, along with the ethos of the EYFS, that each child is unique, that their own opinion on their education and achievements is valid and that their individual likes, dislikes and needs must be of the upper most importance at all times. Our children have excellent bonds with their key person, which we feel is an important factor in their day-to-day happiness, comfort and progression with us.

For further information regarding the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, please refer to the following website:

  • ISC
  • nace
  • woodard
  • heads
  • plp
  • Careers