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Upper Prep Entry (Years 4-6)

 Applications for entry to Upper Prep are taken at any time subject to places being available.

Children firstly need to be registered with us; registration is by completion and return of a School Application Form, along with the registration fee, which can be paid in cash, by cheque or by bank transfer.  Please see our fees page for the registration fee and bank details.

Children are then invited into School for a familiarisation assessment visit at a mutually convenient time.  The assessment day lasts for most of a school day and is part classroom based with children who are already in Years 4, 5 and 6 also spending time sitting academic assessment tests.  The assessments are tests of innate ability so strip out what has been taught or the method of teaching the child has experienced. The tests we use help us to compare the child’s ability to national averages as well as to the ability range of the children currently in that year group.  There are no set ‘pass marks’ to these tests, but, since entry to Upper Prep normally ensures automatic transfer to Senior School, there is a requirement for children to achieve at least nationally average scores.  Parents are also required to provide copies of the child’s most recent reports from their current school either in advance or on the day of the assessment. 

The Head of the Prep School will contact parents, usually by phone, a couple of days after the assessment day when the test scores have been collated and analysed to provide full feedback on the day and advise about a place being offered.

Formal place offers are made in writing by the Headmaster, normally with a requirement to respond within 28 days or by a date specified in the letter.  To accept a place, parents must complete, sign and return the Parent Acceptance Form, which is sent with the offer letter and which then forms the contract with the School, along with the fee deposit (see the fees page for details of this).

If the child will join the School the following September, he or she is invited to attend our Familiarisation Day for all September’s new starters which takes place in June.  Joining information is provided on this day and there is also the opportunity for parents to visit the Uniform Shop, either to purchase pre-used items or have their child try on sample sizes of garments to help with their ordering of uniform.

If the child is to start during the academic year, joining information is provided to parents on receipt of acceptance of a place and the Admissions team is able to provide assistance with other practical arrangements.

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