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Excellent GCSE Results Show Increase in Number of Top Grades

Students at The Peterborough School are celebrating outstanding GCSE results, with 100% of Year 11 students once again achieving the benchmark minimum of five GCSEs at grades A* to C.

Students at The Peterborough School are celebrating outstanding GCSE results, with 100% of Year 11 students once again achieving the benchmark minimum of five GCSEs at grades A* to C.  Particularly impressive is that well over half of all grades (53%) are at A* or A, up from last year’s 49%.

The rigorous subjects taken by candidates at the School contribute to a consistently high performance in the English Baccalaureate, with 70% of students this year gaining five GCSEs at A* to C including English, maths, a science, a language and a humanities subject.[1]

The percentage of students gaining five GCSEs at A* to C including English and maths was 83%.[2]

Almost a quarter of the candidates (22%) will be seeing all As and A*s on their results sheets, including Niamh Khosla with 10.5 A*s this summer, to add to the A in Latin she took a year early.  Kathryn Smyth, with 9.5 A*s and two As, was closely followed by Rebekah Baugh on 8.5 A*s and two As.  Charlotte Hayes and Rachel Senior also got all As and A*s.

Following Ofqual’s warning that this year’s results in maths, English and science were likely to “look different” because of changes to the exams and grade boundaries, Headmaster, Adrian Meadows, is delighted that the School continues to record consistently excellent results:  “Our small year group includes students with a range of abilities but everyone has done extremely well and every individual should be highly congratulated.  Seeing so many top grades is wonderful but all of the students achieving the benchmark minimum is also very pleasing.”

[1] National average in 2012 for percentage of students gaining the English Baccalaureate was 18.3%

[2] National average in 2012 for percentage of students gaining five GCSEs at A*-C including maths and English was 59.4%.


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