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School Celebrates Excellent Inspection Report

The School is celebrating receiving an excellent final report of the inspection made by the Independent Schools Inspectorate

The School is celebrating receiving an excellent final report of the inspection made by the Independent Schools Inspectorate of the School in October and November last year.  The report highlighted the many strengths of the School, as summarised by this excerpt from the main findings:

 “The Peterborough School is very successful in meeting its principal aims.  This is apparent in the pupils’ good academic achievement and in their successes in a range of sporting and creative activities, in their contribution to the community and in their excellent personal development.” 

The ISI inspect against standards in a number of key areas and of the 13 looked at, nine were graded as Excellent/Outstanding.  The remaining four were graded as Good; no areas were found to be Satisfactory or Poor.

 The areas rated Excellent/Outstanding are: 

  • The spiritual, moral social and cultural development of the pupils
  • The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health and safety
  • The quality of boarding education
  • The quality of governance
  • The quality of links with parents, carers and guardians
  • The overall effectiveness of the early years provision
  • The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • The quality of the provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage

The pupils themselves received a huge amount of praise within the report, especially pertaining to their learning, personal development and behaviour.  The inspectors said “They are well-rounded and balanced, secure in the extremely supportive framework provided by the School which enables them to be happy and contented”.

The School welcomed the very positive feedback from the inspectors and has made careful note of the two recommendations with plans in place to move the areas rated good to excellent.

Headmaster, Adrian Meadows, is delighted that the report reflects so many positive aspects of the School:  “That the inspectors found nine out of the 13 areas to be Excellent or Outstanding is a wonderful outcome for everyone involved with the School and I am delighted that so many of our attributes were noted and highlighted.  The report has confirmed that we have an excellent foundation from which to move forward and I am very proud of all the pupils and staff”.

To view the report, please click on this link:


The ISI’s top grading is Excellent whereas for Early Years, relating to children aged three to five years, the top grade of Outstanding has been retained since the transition of inspection from Ofsted to ISI. 

The ISI do not give schools an overall rating.

The ISI inspects schools according to a standard framework for inspection which it has laid down for the purposes of ensuring that standards are maintained and that the school complies with relevant legal requirements.  This framework has been agreed with the DCSF and they have recognised the ISI as the body responsible for the regular inspection of schools in England which are affiliated to the Independent Schools Council (ISC).

  • ISC
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  • Careers