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Sixth Form Volunteering Starts at Froglife

As part of the Sixth Form's enrichment programme, some students have started their volunteering work at Froglife

Voluntary work is now a compulsory part of the Lower Sixth curriculum - not only will students be contributing to their local community, but they will also be gaining important skills for higher education and work.  The first group started at Froglife, a national charity, which is carrying out a project at Thorpe Meadows.

Five students started their work by going round the Meadows lookng at wildlife and testing each pond for pollution and ph levels. They were also instructed on the frog habitats and how they live.  The Froglife leader has put together an intriguing programme which involves hedge-laying, site maintenance and litter clearing and ecological surveys on butterflies, dragonflies, amphibians, reptiles and mamals.  The students can't wait to learn more about the nature that surrounds us! 

  • ISC
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  • woodard
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  • Careers