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A Level Results Celebrated

This year's A Level results were celebrated this morning.

The top performing A Level students from The Peterborough School will be striding off to university after their places were confirmed by this morning’s results.  All except two of this year’s exams were passed, giving an overall pass rate of 97%.

Almost two thirds of grades (65%) were at A* to C and many results were enhanced by excellent Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) results, half of which were at A* or A.  EPQs are highly rated by university admission departments and several students were given offers with lower or unconditional grade requirements having submitted details of their projects.

Headmaster Adrian Meadows was keen to congratulate the students at a difficult stage in the reform of the A Level system:  “We have seen some excellent results today as we move through the reforms, with students continuing to achieve their places on the toughest courses.  We have concerns about seemingly inconsistent results seen in some subjects but I am really encouraged by the way our Sixth Formers have performed with the increased demand of the examinations this year.  The Lower Sixth results were especially pleasing and show that students have managed well the overarching changes which have resulted in them sitting a mixture of old and new format A Levels.  I wish all our students every success in the future as they move on from the School”.

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