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Appeals Day Total Passes £2,600

The money collected from Appeals Day total has now passed £2,600.

The school's annual Appeals Day, this year raising funds for Shine - a charity supporting individuals and families with spina bifida and hydrocephalus - was an enormous success and the amount raised has now passed a whopping £2,600.

Every year group put on stalls or activities, ranging from delicious cakes to raffles with high quality prizes and chips to face painting!  As always, having the teachers in the stocks was a huge favourite amongst the students.  Year 11 and the Upper Sixth then put on an afternoon of video performances as their sign-off before the start of their public examination season.

The volunteers from Shine brought their own tombola stall as well as a 'human fruit machine' which was very popular, and the event was further supported by the Alumni Association who ran a very popular Lucky Dip as well as table top skittles and guess the number of sweets in a jar.

Shine thanked all the students and staff on the day for their contribution and hard work and when the all the monies have been collected in, they will be invited back to school to receive a cheque.

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