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Year 6 Enjoy Amazing Bushcraft Experience

Year 6 spent an amazing three days learning Bushcraft skills last week.

Year 6 had fantastic time learning more about the outdoors during the inaugural Bushcraft Residential in Hatfield Forest. It was great to see them working co-operatively in a team and gaining more confidence in carrying out tasks from making and cooking their lunch on a fire to learning trapping techniques.  Here is what Year 6 had to say about the experience:

“I made new friends with Hannah and Bronwyn in my tribe, people I do not normally talk to.”

“I loved the Bushcraft challenge where we had to save our tribe leader in a mock casualty situation and perform the first aid that we learnt.”

“I valued spending time with friends and making new ones”

“I loved sleeping the night in the shelter we constructed; I did not get wet or rained on while sleeping!”

“My most memorable experience was eating the fish eye; it was disgusting but my friends were around me so it was ok.”

“I enjoyed staying in a tent because I had not stayed in a tent before and now I want to do it again. I also enjoyed learning about the woods; the hot chocolate and stories around the fire.”

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