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Excellent GCSE Results Celebrated

We are today celebrating that 98% of Year 11 pupils gained at least five GCSE passes at grades A*-C or 9-4.

Despite the content of the new GCSEs being tougher, students are celebrating excellent results today. 56% of the old style lettered grades were at A or A*, increasing to 84% at A*-B.  Despite schools being warned to expect only a small proportion of grades for English and maths being at grade 9, 10% of our grades in these subjects were at this exceptionally high level, over three times the reported national figure.

39% of the year group amassed at least eight GCSEs in the top categories of A or A*/Grades 9-7.

Mr Meadows is delighted with the overall results, saying "Our students have performed exceptionally well in the more challenging GCSEs; the number gaining benchmark grades is extremely high and I congratulate them all. We have not seen the predicted volatility in grades but rather a swelling in the number gaining the top grades and I am delighted that so many studentes will be carrying very strong results into the Sixth Form".

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