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Pupils Raise The Roof Of Birmingham Symphony Hall With Woodard 1000 Voices

Year 7 pupils and the Chapel Choir joined other Woodard Schools at Birmingham Symphony Hall on 11th February.

Saturday 11th February saw the culmination of months of hard work when over 20 Woodard schools came together to perform at Birmingham Symphony Hall. 

A master class led by Dominic Peckham, regarded as one of the UK's finest, dynamic orchestral and choral conductors of his generation, got everyone in shape, before a performance thrilled a packed Symphony Hall.

Woodard 1000 voices was the brainchild of the Senior Provost, the Reverend Canon Brendan Clover, who wanted the opportunity to show some of the value added experiences being part of a group of schools can offer.  "It was a wonderful event... it was lovely for the Woodard Family to come together under one roof."

Photograph by John Sherratt

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